Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back to business

Ok, I will try to type my lovely entry for this weeks Learn2.0 assignment. I have been very much seduced by the loveliness that is RSS. I just spent a while putting all my favorite blogs into bloglines. Oh, the joy of having one place to see all the happy new posts. No going through each blog one by one. All is sparkles and rainbows. I really liked how easy it was to add feeds to bloglines. First I looked for the obvious standard RSS feed icon or something that said "subscribe here". But after I couldn't find any indication of whether a blog had a feed I was able to copy and paste the blog url to bloglines and they searched for me! And in almost all cases there was a feed attached to the blog that was hitherto hidden. Cool beans! I did try some of the recommended blog-search engines on our Learn2.0 site but I found myself finding better blogs just searching around on google or by checking out what the bloggers I am reading are reading themselves. And if you are curious about what I am reading blog-wise here is a link to my personal blogline.

Beware the Bear!

So my finger was hurting this morning and I mentioned it to my favorite boss who promptly got a horrified look on her face and tried to send me off to Urgent Care. Now, I did not see any reason to go there as I planned on poking my finger then soaking it in sea salt water to fix it. What? It isn't like I was going to just squirt Windex on it or anything. But when our colleague Pat added her look of horror and they both started worrying about my life expectency I decided to follow their advice. Cut to two hours later after getting two shots of numbing stuff in my finger, a scalpel slice in sad numb finger, a tetnus shot in same arm and a swathed-in-bandage finger. The beige-ness of the bandage was pretty depressing so I decided to embellish it. Now I have a happy brown bear instead of a throbbing bandage blob. You'd never guess I was a youth services librarian would you?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Techy? Not so much.

So I am supposed to talk about new technology that interests me but I have to be honest and say I am just not that techy. I looked at the sites that our Learn2.0 pointed out and while it is pretty cool that they are trying to find the hidden Nazi Gold (really shouldn't it be called Not-The-Nazi's Gold since they stole it?) I don't think that is the technology I was supposed to blog about. Really, I am pretty behind on the tech front.... I have a computer that is 4-5 yrs. old, I don't have a spiffy I-phone (and would be really confused by most of its spiffy applications) and I don't own an I-pod. Granted most of my stodginess on the tech front is due to how much new technology costs. I can't afford to buy the cool new toys coming out. And really, I am fine with my non-techy status. That is not to say that I am not nerdy or that I don't really want an I-pod. Because I do. If anyone wants to give me one I am ok with that. Oh, here is another cool thing science/tech wise. And ok, it is good that Yahoo has identified Napa, Ca. as the worst place for identity theft. You never know when you might find yourself living there and it is best to be prepared.

Trading Card

Ok, I may regret this as my picture will be on the website but I can't help it. I had too much fun creating this goofiness. :) I went to this fun site called that has fun flickr toys you can play with, which is just what I did. So without further ado.... meet sin city knitter.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Lake MacDonald Boat (Glacier Natl Park)

So this beautiful picture is from flickr and was posted by jlmphoto. I had to post it on my blog because I used to work there and really miss it! I can't believe it has been 10 years since I was there working but it has. Time flies. I was browsing around flickr for our Learn2.0 assignment at work and began in flowers... I really meant to put a picture of a dahlia in this post. Suddenly I was thinking of other things I love (besides dahlias and knitting) when I typed in Glacier National Park. So many gorgeous pictures! I had to go for the shot of my old stomping grounds, Lake MacDonald. Ah me, to be able to hike/camp on my days off without missing any work. A National Park makes a beautiful backyard. :)

Monday, February 18, 2008


The knitting has been fast and furious the past few days. :) Not so much on the baby blanket that never ends (still have the border to finish) but lots done on the skull hat. I am very proud of my first foray into stranding. And it has worked fabulously (if I do say so myself), the skulls look like skulls. Yay! Pictures are below.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

WIP (or things I may never finish)

Ok, for my non-knitting friends WIP stands for Works In Progress.... which are many or so it seems. Really I just have the baby blanket that never ends, Alex's skull hat, Sarah's scarf-thing and I plan on starting Evangeline today for my friend Melissa.
Alex's hat has a small deadline on it as I want him to be able to wear it while it is still cold. Luckily winter actually lasts in Seattle so he should be cold at least until mid-May. Not like here in Las Vegas where I am only wearing a light coat right now. Is it weird that I am jealous of all the Canadian knit bloggers when they talk about snow in feet(or whatever the metric equivilant is)and the weather being below freezing? Well really it is the snow I want, not the freezing temps. Back to my list of woe.
Sarah's scarf-thing was cast on in Oct. and I meant to give it to her for Christmas but it wasn't done, so I thought I would give it to her for Valentine's but it isn't done, so now it is going to be a catch-all "thinking of you" sort of gift.
The baby blanket that never ends was supposed to be finished in Oct. (when the baby was born). I really like this pattern from Stitch & B***h but if you aren't in the zone it takes forever to finish. At long last I am knitting the last 12 border rows and soon will be able to send it off. If you are on Ravelry I have the info on there. And if you aren't on Ravelry I will try to put pictures on this blog.
And Evangeline is going to be finished by mid-March because that is when Melissa will be here visiting. This is definitely positive thinking as I have yet to finish anything for her. That's it for now.
Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First post!

Well, here I go.... finally joining the blogging world. It is sort-of a forced entry as this is for a work related assignment but now I have begun I hope to continue using this as a more personal crafty blog. As the blog name reflects I am a knitter and I will chronicle my triumphs and frogging, along with any random thing I want to post about, here for the world to read.