Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First post!

Well, here I go.... finally joining the blogging world. It is sort-of a forced entry as this is for a work related assignment but now I have begun I hope to continue using this as a more personal crafty blog. As the blog name reflects I am a knitter and I will chronicle my triumphs and frogging, along with any random thing I want to post about, here for the world to read.


Joan said...

Frogging? What is frogging? Will you get special pleasure for doing it on Feb.29 (Leap Day?) Wow...knitters, quilters...two-steppers...I already know more about everyone, and we just started this! :D

Leona said...

Joan, Frogging is when you have to unravel your knitting because of a mistake. So not fun. If only it was limited to Leap Day!